Commonwealth Health Regional Hospital of Scranton Presented with Cardiovascular Center of Excellence Recognition
SCRANTON, Pa. (Dec. 6, 2017) – Members of the leadership team from the American Heart Association (AHA) on Wednesday, Dec. 6 presented officials from Commonwealth Health Regional Hospital of Scranton with the Cardiovascular Center of Excellence accreditation. Regional is the first hospital in the nation to receive this recognition.
The AHA’s Cardiovascular Center of Excellence accreditation is a new comprehensive level of designation developed in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology to recognize hospitals with superior services focused on the needs of the population they serve.
The announcement that Regional received the accreditation was made back in September, as officials gathered for the grand opening of the hospital’s $15 million Heart & Vascular Institute.
To earn the Cardiovascular Center of Excellence accreditation, the Regional cardiovascular team was required to demonstrate excellence in cardiovascular care beginning from early patient and community engagement and external support to providing scientific, evidence-based guidelines-driven care during critical health events when patients need it the most.
Commonwealth Health Regional Hospital of Scranton joins an elite group of hospitals nationwide focused on better cardiovascular outcomes by using a comprehensive integrated system of care approach in delivering cardiovascular care. Reaching this highest level of accreditation demonstrates the hospital’s exemplary dedication and commitment to cardiovascular excellence.

Standing from left to right: Chris Howe, ACEO, Regional Hospital; Justin Davis, CEO, Regional Hospital; Dr. David FitzPatrick, Cardiologist, Regional Hospital; Elaine Walker, Heart and Vascular Institute Program Director, Regional Hospital; Kelly Macheska, VP Quality Systems Improvement, AHA; Crystal Glodek, Quality Systems Improvement Director, AHA; Tawny Jackson, Quality Systems Improvement Director, AHA; Darlene Yblood, Senior VP Health Strategies, AHA