Take Steps to Stop the Clot
Learn your risk factors to prevent life-threatening blood clots.
The pandemic has heightened attention to the dangers of blood clots including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and clot-provoked stroke. According to the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA), blood clots kill 274 Americans each day when they restrict blood flow and cause a medical emergency. While different types of blood clotting are being reported among people affected by COVID-19, particularly those who become severely ill after infection with the virus, everyone is at risk for blood clots regardless of age, gender or race.
Obesity, smoking, hypertension and a personal or family history of blood clots increase your chances of developing clots. Women’s risk is increased by birth control pills, pregnancy and hormone replacement therapy. People at the highest risk include those with clotting disorders, atrial fibrillation (a-Fib), cancer, traumatic injury, lengthy immobility and surgery.
Three steps can help with prevention of blood clots – maintain a healthy weight, stay hydrated and move regularly. Drinking plenty of water and fluids helps keep your blood from thickening. Particularly when sitting for long periods such as on flights or car trips, get up and walk every 60 to 90 minutes and stretch your calf muscles frequently to keep the blood flowing in your legs.
Individuals with aFib should talk with their physician about the benefits and risks of taking a blood thinner to reduce the risk of clots and stroke.
“Preventative measures such as discussing your family history with your physician or sharing any specific health needs are just two ways you can help reduce the risk of a medical emergency, like blood clots,” said Elwaleed Elnour, M.D., endovascular neurologist.
Know the symptoms so you can get help quickly, potentially saving your life or the life a friend or family member. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention documents symptoms for blood clots in deep veins of your leg and thighs include increased leg swelling, skin that is warm to the touch, red or discolored, pain in a leg that feels like a pulled muscle but not caused by injury, tightness, cramping or soreness, or a throbbing sensation. If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, alert your doctor as soon as possible.
“When discovered in a timely manner, we are able to treat blood clots. If you are experiencing any symptoms you think are related to a clot, please contact your physician immediately,” says Dr. Elnour.
The most common signs and symptoms of a pulmonary embolism caused by a blood clot that is blocking blood flow in the lungs are difficulty breathing, chest pain that worsens with a deep breath or cough, coughing up blood and a faster-than-normal or irregular heartbeat. Seek medical treatment immediately when you experience any of these signs and symptoms.
All Commonwealth Health hospitals are accredited stroke centers. With the addition of Dr. Elnour, Wilkes-Barre General Hospital is now a primary stroke center with intervention capability. The hospital’s stroke center offers patients a range of treatment options including neurosurgery, neurological critical care, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) medication, and sophisticated endovascular procedures, such as thrombectomy, angioplasty, coiling, and stenting.
If you are experiencing stroke symptoms, or notice someone who is, call 9-1-1 immediately. If you need help finding a physician call 1-800-838-WELL (9355) or visiting cwhphysiciannetwork.net. Most major insurance plans are accepted, including Geisinger Health Plan.