What are my surgical options?
The Weight Loss Surgery Center offers gastric bypass, gastric sleeve surgery and adjustable gastric banding. All procedures are done laparoscopically.
What are the risks of bariatric surgery?
As with any surgery, there are risks and possible complications. You can learn more about these by attending an information sessions, which is led by a staff of medical professionals.
How much weight can I expect to lose after weight-loss surgery?
The difference in weight loss can vary according to the motivation of the patient and the surgery performed. Long-term weight loss may be between 50 to 70 percent of the excess weight.
Will I regain my weight after surgery?
Studies show that bariatric patients can have long-term success with their weight loss, but this is dependent on a life-long commitment to better health and adherence to the multidisciplinary program.
Some patients may regain weight, but the emphasis on education can help avoid this problem.
Will my insurance cover this procedure?
Coverage is dependent upon your individual plan and benefits. On your behalf, we will aggressively pursue approval, but we must first receive your completed patient questionnaire and a letter of medical necessity from your doctor. This paperwork can be obtained by attending an information session.
How long will the insurance approval process take?
Generally speaking, one to two weeks -- although it may be as long as four weeks, depending on the insurance carrier.
What happens to my excess skin?
The amount of excess skin depends on the total weight loss, age of the patient, if the patient smokes and how much the skin was stretched. Some patients may elect to have plastic surgery, but this should not be done in the first 18 months after weight-loss surgery. Most weight-loss patients do not require subsequent plastic surgery.
How long will I be off from work?
With the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery, you can expect to spend about two days in the hospital and one to four weeks off work, depending on whether your job is office-based or involves manual labor. The gastric banding procedure is usually done as an outpatient surgery. Gastric banding patients who work in an office setting can usually expect to be off from work for a few days following surgery.
What if I have had a previous bariatric surgery and I'm having problems?
It will be helpful if you can obtain the records from your previous surgeon, so we can know when and how your surgery was performed. We will be happy to assist in this process.
What if my family doctor doesn't support my decision to have gastric bypass surgery?
Your family doctor's familiarity with weight-loss surgery will depend upon his or her training and experience. Some physicians are familiar with older, experimental weight-loss surgeries, such as stomach stapling, jaw wiring, the jejunal bypass or other procedures that are generally not practiced today.
We are happy to provide you with references from leading medical journals, such as "The New England Journal of Medicine," "The Journal of the American Medical Association" and "Mayo Clinic Proceedings" that state the benefits of current bariatric surgeries. Additionally, the surgeon will gladly speak with your family doctor if he feels you are a good candidate for surgery.
Register today!
Call (570) 552-THIN to register for a free weight loss surgery information session or support group or register online.