Center for Advanced Rehabilitation
The Center for Advanced Rehabilitation at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital is an acute inpatient facility that offers medical rehabilitation. The team works closely to provide family-centered and individualized care.
The Center offers services to those patients who no longer need the full resources of a hospital but who still require medical attending during their recovery or rehabilitation.
Full Accreditation

The Center, accredited by The Joint Commission, offers 20 appointed, private rooms that include a private shower and a flat screen television.
Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation
The Center for Advanced Rehabilitation provides rehabilitation for patients across a wide variety of diagnoses, including:
The Rehabilitation Team
Rehabilitation nurses: Rehabilitation nurses are available 24 hours a day to help meet the medical needs of patients and help them become as independent as possible. Additionally, the nurses also help to educate the patients and their caregivers.
Physical therapists: Physical therapists (PT) will work with you to improve your mobility, improve your balance and increase your strength. The physical therapist will help you determine your equipment needs and will work with you on ordering and using this equipment to maximize your mobility.
Occupational therapists: Occupational therapists work with you on performing tasks of everyday living; improving strength, coordination and balance; and performing other functions needed to return to the community. The occupational therapists are also involved in deciding what equipment is needed and the nurses follow through and reinforce the strategies taught by the therapists.
Speech-language pathologists: Help patients improve their ability to communicate by addressing difficulties in producing speech or comprehending others. This may include patients who have voice issues, difficulty swallowing, impaired oral motor control and other disorders.
Physiatrist: A physician specially trained in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Social worker/discharge planner: Assists you and your family with the emotional adjustments to lifestyle changes while providing education and information about community resources and services available at discharge. The social worker will address any financial questions.
Clinical psychologists and dietitians are also available to address your needs.
For more information on the Center for Advanced Rehabilitation, call 570-552-4480.